Shipping Partners:
We collaborate with trusted third-party couriers. Customers can select from a range of courier services based on their postal region.
Delivery Time:
For orders delivered by third-party carriers: The estimated arrival time displayed on our platform is subject to real-time circumstances and may differ based on the carrier's efficiency.
Dispatch Guarantee:
Your order will be dispatched within 1-2 working days upon successful payment. For domestic Australian deliveries, you can generally expect your order to arrive within 2-8 days, although more remote locations may experience longer shipping times. Consult the respective courier’s website for more accurate timing.
Shipping Costs:
Regarding shipping costs, we offer free shipping in most areas of Australia. The regions eligible for free shipping will be stated on each product's detail page. For other areas, the shipping costs will be automatically calculated at checkout.
Oversized Items:
Products exceeding 105cm in length or weighing over 22kg are considered oversized. The standard 30-day return policy does not apply to these items.
Remote Area Deliveries:
If you reside in specific postal codes, such as NT 0800-0999, NSW 2641, and TAS 7151, please contact our customer service team to discuss any additional shipping costs before completing your order.
Limited Access Postal Codes:
Products may not be deliverable to specific postal codes, including but not limited to NT: 0800-0999; NSW: 2641, 2717, 2831, 2898, 2899; QLD: 4184, 4421, 4450-4499, 4680, 4700-4805, 9920-9959, 4806-4899, 4900-4999, 9960-9999; SA: 5701; WA: 6055, 6215-6699, 6700-6799; TAS: 7151. Additional Specific Codes: 885, 2222, 2449, 2818, 2827, 2829, 2836, 2839, 2874, 2898, 3724, 4477, 4490, 4626, 4822, 4871, 4875, 6044, 6209, 6224, 6290, 6442, 6536, 6562, 6707, 6713, 6725, 6728, 6743, 6751, 6753, 6754, 7255, 7256, 7258, 7260
For more details, contact our customer service team via Email: