Product Overview
The red all-weather dog coat is an outdoor gear essential. The unique design of our dog coat allows it to fit under the chest to cover and provide extra protection from rain and mud. Easy to fit with velcro straps on top.
- Adjustable leg straps to keep back legs warm and dry.
- Water and windproof.
- A hole for harness or lead.
- Fully quilted and lined for extra warmth.
- Elastic collar for extra style and easy fit over the dogs head.
- Top fastening Velcro allows simple and quick fitting on all dog sizes.
- Available in 6 sizes.
- 35cm
- 40cm
- 45cm
- 50cm
- 60cm
- 70cm
Warranty Information
- 1-Year Product Warranty: All products come with a one-year warranty unless otherwise specified in the product details. This does not include damages caused by misuse or during transit.
- Damaged Upon Arrival or Malfunctioning: We also guarantee that the products will not be damaged or malfunctioning upon first use. If any issues arise, please provide relevant photos or video evidence to claim the warranty.
- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: We offer a 30-day money-back service. If buyers change their minds within 30 days, returns are accepted as long as the product and packaging remain intact, but buyers are responsible for the return shipping costs.
- Contact Information: For any questions about the warranty or for more information, please contact our customer service team at the following email: